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How to Support Your Partner After Job Loss Due to Layoff

Job losses due to layoffs are not always [...]

Kitzcorner / Getty Images When you learn that your partner has become a victim of a layoff, it’s understandable to feel a mix of shock and confusion. This news can be particularly distressing if [...]

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How to Overcome Nervousness During Job Interviews for Fresh Graduate

As a fresh graduate, the excitement of landing [...]

Photo : Freepik/ Yanalya As a fresh graduate, the excitement of landing your first job can be overwhelming. Receiving an invitation for a job interview often brings joy, yet it can also trigger [...]

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Don’t Go the Wrong Way! Here Are 5 Ways to Find Your Passion

Many people aspire to have a career future that [...]

Hero Images/Getty Images Many people aspire to have a career future that aligns with their passion or interests. However, it is not uncommon for individuals to have difficulty discovering their true [...]

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5 Habits That Can Help Boost Motivation to Achieve Success

Losing motivation can happen to anyone, here are [...]

Image Credit: Sunny studio/ Losing motivation can happen to anyone, especially when you feel overwhelmed by tasks and believe you'll never reach your goals. Often, when realizing that [...]

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6 Ways to Create a Better Work-Life Balance for Career Success

Work-life balance refers to a state where an [...]

Image Credit: Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock The desire for professional success can lead to the neglect of personal affairs. However, maintaining a balance between one’s professional commitments and [...]

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5 Tips for Introverts to Speak Confidently in Public

With the right approach, public speaking can [...]

Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto/Chinnapong For many introverts, speaking in public can be a daunting task. The idea of facing a crowd, articulating thoughts, and engaging in conversation can drain [...]

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5 Successful Salary Negotiation Tips from Recruiters

To make the process of requesting a raise [...]

Jamie Gril / Getty Images Many employees may feel dissatisfied with their current salary. With more experience gained and increased responsibilities compared to previous roles, it is not uncommon to [...]

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5 Tips to Overcome Nervousness and Shyness When Speaking in Public

The feelings of nervousness, confusion, and even [...]

Image by Getty Images The feelings of nervousness, confusion, and even stiffness can be overwhelming when you find yourself in the spotlight. However, with the right tips and adequate preparation, [...]

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5 Self-Management Skills to Achieve Career Success

Explore the essential self-management skills that [...]

Image by iStock Every individual who embarks on a career journey inevitably desires success in their field. While technical skills are important, they are not sufficient on their own. A strong [...]

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Why Women Often Don't Support Other Women in the Workplace

The relationship dynamics among women in the [...]

Image Credit: Getty Images The relationship dynamics among women in the workplace can be quite complex and multifaceted. Notably, many women tend to hold back from supporting their female [...]

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