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  /   Posted in Finance  

6 Financial Principles to Help You Get Rich at a Young Age

Becoming wealthy at a young age is a dream shared [...]

Image Credit: Many young individuals who have achieved financial stability often serve as motivation for others to chase wealth at a young age. However, becoming rich is not as simple as [...]

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7 Habits That Can Drain Your Wallet or Lead to Bankruptcy

Here are various habits that young individuals [...]

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash Unbeknownst to many, there are numerous daily habits among young people that can lead to financial problems. These seemingly trivial habits can have a [...]

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5 Ways to Save Money During Holidays

With a bit of planning and strategy, you can [...]

Image: BlueOrange Studio / Shutterstock When long holidays come around—such as school breaks, Eid, Christmas, and New Year's—many people often find themselves scrambling to find vacation spots to [...]

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Kakeibo: The Japanese Art of Money Management

Kakeibo, a traditional Japanese method of [...]

Image Credit: BBC Kakeibo, a traditional Japanese method of managing household finances, has gained popularity once again thanks to Fumiko Chiba's compelling book, Kakeibo: The Japanese Art of Saving [...]

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5 Types of Beneficial ‘Extravagant’ Spending

Not all extravagant expenditures are detrimental. [...]

Image by Pixabay Living frugally is a commendable habit, especially for those whose salaries are still “just enough.” It’s common to try to avoid overspending by resisting discounts or reducing [...]

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7 Frugal Living Tips Inspired by Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett, a well-known advocate for living [...]

Frugal Living Tips Inspired by Warren Buffett. It's not uncommon to observe that many of the wealthiest individuals globally embrace a lifestyle of simplicity despite their vast fortunes. With the [...]

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Discussing Financial Expectations with Your Partner Before Marriage is Essential

Did you know that financial issues can be a major [...]

Discussing Financial Expectations with Partner. Photo: Did you know that financial issues can be a major challenge in married life? Many marriages end due to financial [...]

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6 Money Saving Tips to Own a House at a Young Age

In your 20s, the financial decisions you make [...]

Own a House at a Young Age. Photo: Sturti / In your 20s, the financial decisions you make will impact your future finances. Therefore, it is important to start building healthy financial [...]

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10 Passive Income Ideas to Make Extra Cash Online

Building a solid source of passive income [...]

Passive Income Ideas to Make Extra Cash Online. Image: SHansche, Getty Images. In today’s economy, characterized by persistent inflation and high interest rates, many individuals are seeking ways [...]

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5 Financial Tips for New College Students

Five strategies to help new college students [...]

Ways to Manage Finances for New College Students. Image: Becoming a new college student is a crucial transitional phase in life, especially when it comes to managing finances [...]

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