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4 Swedish Lifestyle for Health and Longevity

Swedish women had a life expectancy of 84.3 [...]

Swedish Lifestyle. Photo: Prostock-studio/Shutterstock. In 2021, Swedish women had a life expectancy of 84.3 years, while Swedish men could expect to live to 80.9 years. Moreover, in recent years, [...]

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  /   Posted in Finance  

7 Frugal Living Tips Inspired by Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett, a well-known advocate for living [...]

Frugal Living Tips Inspired by Warren Buffett. It's not uncommon to observe that many of the wealthiest individuals globally embrace a lifestyle of simplicity despite their vast fortunes. With the [...]

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Niksen: The Dutch Lifestyle of Doing Nothing

Niksen is believed to promote both physical and [...]

Niksen: The Dutch Lifestyle of Doing Nothing. Photo: Freepik.com. Productivity and relentless work to be the norm, and it's easy to succumb to stress that adversely affects our performance at work. [...]

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5 Japanese Life Concepts for Personal Development

Here are 5 Japanese life concepts that serve as [...]

Japanese Life Concepts. Photo: freepik.com/freepik. Japan stands out as a source of inspiration for the world across various sectors, including finance, health, pop culture, and gastronomy. The [...]

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