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  /   Posted in Career  

3 Effective Strategies to Avoid Rambling During Public Speaking

Speaking too much or rambling often disrupts [...]

Image: Youtube @ mycoachjess In various situations such as business meetings, presentations, casual conversations, and public speaking events, excessive talking or rambling can often hinder effective [...]

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Avoid These 5 Things When Speaking in Public

5 things to avoid when speaking in front of an [...]

Presenting in front of an audience can be nerve-wracking, and it’s common to have moments where you struggle to find the right words. However, appearing as though you are thinking or unsure can [...]

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8 Tips to Finish Work On Time and Stay Stress-Free

We are often faced with various tasks and [...]

Photo: Shutterstock Have you been frequently receiving reprimands from your boss for struggling to complete your tasks on time? If so, you might want to pay attention to these tips to ensure your [...]

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A Way to Stop Thinking About Work Continuously from Psychologist

According to this Psychologist here's one way to [...]

A Way to Stop Thinking About Work Continuously. Photo: Have you ever found work thoughts creeping into your relaxation time? This situation can be bothersome; for instance, [...]

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Introducing the Concept of Work-Life Harmony

The concept of “work-life harmony” has [...]

Work-Life Harmony. Photo: With the fast-paced and complex dynamics workplace, the concept of "work-life harmony" has emerged as a new approach to addressing the [...]

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