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4 Happiness Hormones and How to Boost Them

Let’s explore four key happiness hormones, [...]

Image by Shutterstock Emotions don't just occur randomly; they are heavily influenced by the chemical reactions in our bodies. One of the most sought-after feelings is happiness, which is closely [...]

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Maintain the Quality of Frozen Vegetables with These 5 Tips

Vegetables are an essential part of a healthy [...]

YARUNIV Studio/Shutterstock Vegetables are an essential part of a healthy diet that should be consumed daily. They help meet our daily fiber requirements and provide vital vitamins and minerals that [...]

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6 Health Benefits of Chayote

Beyond its delightful flavor, chayote is packed [...]

WS Studio / Getty Images Chayote is a type of vegetable that is easily found in various cuisines around the world. Its versatile nature allows it to be cooked in numerous ways, including steaming, [...]

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Why Being a Perfectionist Can Be Harmful to Yourself

While perfectionism is frequently regarded as a [...]

Getty Images / PeopleImages Perfectionism is ultimately linked to the concept of perfection. It can be defined as the desire to always produce the highest, best, and most flawless results in any [...]

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How to Support Your Partner After Job Loss Due to Layoff

Job losses due to layoffs are not always [...]

Kitzcorner / Getty Images When you learn that your partner has become a victim of a layoff, it’s understandable to feel a mix of shock and confusion. This news can be particularly distressing if [...]

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Deflection Personality: People Who Like to Twist Facts

Deflection personality is a form of egoistic [...]

fizkes / Shutterstock Deflection personality is a form of egoistic personality where individuals strive to shift blame onto others to protect themselves. This behavior can be detrimental not only to [...]

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How to Overcome Nervousness During Job Interviews for Fresh Graduate

As a fresh graduate, the excitement of landing [...]

Photo : Freepik/ Yanalya As a fresh graduate, the excitement of landing your first job can be overwhelming. Receiving an invitation for a job interview often brings joy, yet it can also trigger [...]

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6 Financial Principles to Help You Get Rich at a Young Age

Becoming wealthy at a young age is a dream shared [...]

Image Credit: unsplash.com Many young individuals who have achieved financial stability often serve as motivation for others to chase wealth at a young age. However, becoming rich is not as simple as [...]

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Don’t Go the Wrong Way! Here Are 5 Ways to Find Your Passion

Many people aspire to have a career future that [...]

Hero Images/Getty Images Many people aspire to have a career future that aligns with their passion or interests. However, it is not uncommon for individuals to have difficulty discovering their true [...]

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Common Causes of Post Holiday Blues and How to Overcome It

Post holiday or vacation blues is frequently felt [...]

Getty Images/fotostorm Taking a break amid a busy schedule is often essential for refreshing the mind, allowing one to return to work with renewed energy. This phenomenon is popularly known as [...]

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