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"Mental Health"

  /   Posted in Wellness  

Are You Being Too Hard on Yourself? Here Are the Signs

Being too hard on yourself is not a healthy way [...]

Image by iStock Being too hard on yourself is not a healthy way to live. While striving for excellence and engaging in self-reflection can be beneficial, perpetually blaming yourself for every little [...]

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  /   Posted in Wellness  

5 Foods That Are Believed to Help Combat Depression

While depression is a serious condition requiring [...]

Image: M.Venter-Yapr / Getty Images Depression can affect anyone, often unnoticed and unrecognized. The causes can vary widely, ranging from work issues, family matters, environmental challenges, and [...]

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  /   Posted in Career  

8 Signs Your Workplace is Toxic and Harmful to Your Mental Health

Eight critical signs that indicate your workplace [...]

Toxic Workplace. Image: New Africa / Shutterstock Work is an essential part of life, providing us with the means to meet our daily needs. However, many individuals become so focused on their jobs [...]

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  /   Posted in Wellness  

Mindfulness: A Technique to Maintain Mental Health

Mindfulness has been recognized as a powerful way [...]

Image by Freepik Life can throw a myriad of challenges our way, leading to mental stress and pressure. To counteract this, one effective method to maintain mental health is by learning the practice [...]

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  /   Posted in Culture  

5 Signs You’re Facing Toxic Shame: Stay Alert!

Toxic shame is a feeling of worthlessness and [...]

Signs You’re Facing Toxic Shame. Photo: Unsplash.com/Kyle Broad. Shame is an emotion that everyone experiences at some point in their lives. It is a natural response to behavior that contradicts [...]

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