Aira Nicole

Aira Nicole is a passionate writer with journalism and creative writing background.

  /   Posted in Wellness  

Mindfulness: A Technique to Maintain Mental Health

Mindfulness has been recognized as a powerful way to safeguard mental health against life’s pressures. How can we [...]

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The Dark Side of Instant Coffee: 5 Health Risks You Need to Know About

With its affordability and practicality, instant coffee has become a staple for many. However, excessive consumption [...]

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How Fear of Change Led to Kodak's Downfall

A reluctance to embrace change and an inability to adapt to the challenges of the times led to Kodak's downfall. [...]

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5 Best Ways to Stop Overthinking Before Bedtime

Overthinking can result in sleeplessness through the night. Here are some of the best ways you can reduce overthinking [...]

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Discover Your Aura Color Based on Your Zodiac Sign!

Discover Your Aura Color Based on Your Zodiac Sign! Did you know that each zodiac sign has its own unique aura color? [...]

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6 Billionaires Who Didn't Finish College

6 Billionaires Who Didn't Finish College. Six highly influential and wealthy individuals without a college degree. [...]

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4 Swedish Lifestyle for Health and Longevity

Swedish women had a life expectancy of 84.3 years, while Swedish men 80.9 years. Simple lifestyle is suggested to be [...]

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8 Phrases Commonly Used by Emotionally Resilient People

Emotionally resilient individuals are careful in how they respond to painful experiences. Developing mental toughness [...]

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What is Hikikomori? Is it the Same as Agoraphobia?

What exactly is hikikomori? Is hikikomori the same as agoraphobia? Curious? Let’s explore the details! [...]

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Not Just About IQ: 5 Signs of Intelligence That Are Often Overlooked

Five lesser-known signs of intelligence that could help you identify the types of intelligence you possess. [...]

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