Aira Nicole

Aira Nicole is a passionate writer with journalism and creative writing background.

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5 Signs You’re Facing Toxic Shame: Stay Alert!

Toxic shame is a feeling of worthlessness and self-hatred that is ingrained in our thoughts, actions, and relationships. [...]

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Listening Skills You Must Master to Win an Argument

Here are listening skills you should develop and master if you want to win an arguments. [...]

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6 Habits to Enhance Your Attractiveness According to Experts

Attractiveness can be improved by adopting the right habits. Here are 6 habits that can help you boost your [...]

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5 Characteristics of Strong Female Leaders

Characteristics of Strong Female Leaders. Successful female leaders often embody specific traits that set them apart in [...]

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5 Signs Someone Loves to Gossip That You Should Be Aware Of

Signs Someone Loves to Gossip. While gossip can sometimes strengthen social bonds between individuals, it may also harm [...]

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7 Frugal Living Tips Inspired by Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett, a well-known advocate for living modestly. So, what are some frugal living strategies inspired by [...]

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7 Signs You Have High Empathy

Individuals with high empathy possess the remarkable ability to feel what others are experiencing. [...]

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Are You a Bubbly Person? Discover 6 Traits That Might Define You!

Are You a Bubbly Person? These individuals are often described as magnets, drawing people in with their enthusiasm and [...]

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Niksen: The Dutch Lifestyle of Doing Nothing

Niksen is believed to promote both physical and mental well-being by alleviating fatigue and stress. [...]

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5 Personality Traits of People Who Rarely Update Social Media

Social media has become a familiar aspect of life across various age groups, especially among the youth. While some [...]

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